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Get Into It... |
Walking through the sliding doors , I still wasn't certain that I should reveal my motive for needing such an extensive amount of product -especially after remembering a past discussion of ours ; one that took place about 8 months ago-well before Chimeze and I went our separate ways:
"Yeah , so I had to let him go...that's why he hasn't gotten back to you-and thats why I called you in for a private meeting with me -'long time' aye?" Banks said , giving me the answer he wanted me to have -but leaving a lot of necessary shit unanswered , as was his way.
I was seriously confused about everything right now , and confused was a most dangerous place to be in -even in the script drug game. However, I hated having to ask questions , only to have to ask more questions -as the answers given weren't sufficient for shit..'.here he goes ', I thought to myself before firing off my next question:
"Let him go?" I waited in vain for an answer, while Banks' moved around his office , flipped through some folders and peeked into a few cabinets . When I was sure that none of those places contained the answer to my question , I decided to err on the side of caution, while taking another stab at it.
I stepped behind the desk , almost at his side and decided for myself that Bank's
"Let go" probably didn't mean fired in a traditional sense , that nigga Dre surely wasn't using his skills for the competition or in another field, as much as he was probably lying in a field.
After thinking, this probably wasn't the best time to press Banks about anything-not unless I wanted a peice of that kind of unemployment .
This was the very reason, I didn't talk much about the things , at work, that might matter to a normal person :faith, family, goal accomplishment or even friends to my supplier . If ever I had to break out or possibly break rank -as i was finding one really never did know about these things-I wanted Banks (and everyone associated wih this portion of my life) to know as little as possible about me and the things (and people) I cared about . I took a deep breath and reminded myself that this was just another game, of many; similar to the one I was currently winning against Gerald .
This was the reason, I had walked past my car this morning , and subconciously decided to use public transit for the day. not only did i not want to think about parking , i also didnt want my boss to wonder how I was making enough money to buy a car ; much less a home or anything else. This man could stay all the way out and away from my business. it was best to keep him from pondering on my money at all, like all of the other men who had onece been in my business: chimeze, gerald , and to an extent , where there was no longer-banks. i had found that men an business -dont mix.
And the best way to keep folks mind off your money , is to keep them believing you don't have any, so when I sat down to this meeting and banks said,
"Have you eaten? Would you like me to order something?"
Though I abhorred his taste in food and all of his choices , I replied
"Please and thank you."
Yes, I had managed to keep them at arms length of my business , while operating under their nose, up until this point; looking around at this familiar but dangerous office , where I was pretty sure Dre had been fired, I was sure I needed to keep it that way .
Ever since I spelled out my résumé so that I could get the chance to be part of this drug dealing cartel , I had pretty much stayed quiet and on the grind. I has secretly stacked my money , anticipating a time when I could slip away from this shit... There was o ly one time that hasn't the personal distract me from
My business, one time-at our last meeting here:
"So , I need you to go to this sexual healing part -and distribute in person. It's kind of "ahi shit foo foo" , you know ? " he stated, looking me over . "I'm sure you know all about that; you don end up at a fancy school-without having met some fancy friends . Fancy friends who probably invited and exposed you to parties -parties just like these." He said shamefully while biting Into a banana.
He looked over me extensively , to -I thought-make sure I was at attention.-as it's unusual for me to go so long without an interjection of some sort...however when he said
"Yeah 32 , 20, 32 that looks about right ! " and he typed the numbers in his phone in a text. I could see it , from over his shoulder.
Turning towards me , he eyed me careful before continuing :
"So , we have an account with a few lingerie places-a few expensive lingerie places. ..I can give you a list or you can name your preferred vendor; weather they are on the list or not -though, knowing you, I'm sure they are ; ill give you the nights theme, my choice of color and whatever cash the items cost-hair to shoes. And you can carry on...."

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I totally appreciate this :-)