I nodded my head yes , and then asked for an additional five
grand, bringing the grand payment to 15 grand to do the job :”because
everything is so last minute and I have to switch my –“
Bank’s held up his hand, which cut me off and said, “fine.
Now can you tell me which lingerie place you are headed to-you have to go this
moment-or tell me a number so I can give you some petty cash”
“I need 1,500, and I am going to this place on –“
He held his hand up again to stop any explanation
“Ryndra, I don’t care…Vee…”, he said into the intercom,
“Give R. a ‘G’ from the restaurants petty cash”
He looked up at me, “what’s this place called again?”
I sighed, “Rigby and Peller”
“Yeah, I have never heard of that so, you get a grand.”
I grabbed my purse and turned before rolling my eyes and a
grand out of my hand.
In the cab, I called the store and asked for them to wrap
the “Andres Sarda teddy in medium”.
“Ma’am, we prefer –actually we require that clients be
measured for-“
Back in charge of my conversations, I cut her off: “I know,
and if time permits-I will submit to a measurement-but it doesn’t look
like it will.”
I could hear her opening her mouth to explain the stores
policy, so I said the one thing I knew would change the stores policy:
“I am paying in cash. Can you gift-wrap the item with tissue
paper and that special small batch perfume you give all of the clients making
purchases over 400.00? Maybe speed up my fitting?” I asked innocently, like I didn’t
already know the answer.
Considering the item cost 325.00 and I offered her a 75
dollar tip for 1 minutes work-maybe even less. For a skinny white symmetrically faced woman with
big city dreams, that’s a good deal. I was ready for the “yes” that pushed
through the receiver seconds later, even though I was prepared to up my offer
to 150.00-she didn’t need to know that. Nope , not after she said yes.
“That’s wonderful, thank you for your time and assistance
Marie, I will see you in approximately thirty minutes” and I ended the call.
When I got to the store, I changed and
adjusted myself in one of their ‘velvet curtained ‘dressing rooms- putting my
day attire in the gift packaging and wrapping myself only in the light trench I
carried , knowing Tone was going to be on that old shit’ He liked making you do
whatever it was he had asked you to do the first time. He liked to only keep
people with a strong history of listening in his circle. He liked to keep the
failure to listen rate, as he called it at 0%. So, as it stood-I was out of the
money making circle –until this got done.
‘None of these people better accuse me of stealing either’, I thought as I hurried out the door. Though I wondered what the gift card to keep me quiet about the incident would look like, I knew I didn’t have time and whatever it was, it wouldn’t be anywhere close to the 15 Grand , that could buy more than lingerie, that Tone was paying.
The cab driver
passed back the box with the ‘Unisa Joico’ insignia on it-that he had picked up
from DSW while I was changing at Rigby & Peller. I put them on immediately
, as I would be hopping right out of the cab and slipping into the door of the
location an institution known as ‘Saint Venus’
was having it’s “Sexual Healing Party” . I went to the front desk and
was given a room key for the 4th floor .It was really nice, not that
I expected anything less than the plush white sheets-similar to the ones I had
put on hold at Macy’s for the new spot I wanted to manifest. The floor plan was
open, with glass walls…I suppose they wanted to lie in bad while watching
people shower after sex. This would be a nice spot to unwind, after I ‘Made the
money’. I didn’t want to think too hard about all of this , but I really didn’t expect hotel 1 central park to have agreed to a
rental of two floors , for a sex party. They had to know-both floors were
comprised of suites and adjoining junior suites-like the one I was in.
Why else would a bunch of rich white people,
who probably weren’t related, need rooms with adjoining doors? why would they
rent the entire floor and ban staff access for a full 29 hours. They didn’t want
any room service, or outside deliveries-AT ALL!. I mean really? I suppose it was the money. At
300.00 a night for a most basic room-with no included breakfast-I suppose a
concierge isn’t asking someone spending over fifty racks for a day or so, a
whole lot of questions. Any questions that needed asking, would be directed to
Benjamin. It was worrisome, as I knew more than some sex would probably be
going down this evening; probably some coke, week, possibly meth and sex slave
nonsense would come up as well. However, as long as I got my money-that couldn’t
have a thing to do with me.
I had been told
this situation was that discreet and to tell no one where I was headed or why I
was heading there. Thinking about everything in detail made a chill go up my
spine as I already knew I would have to explain something to Gerald, when I
finally reached home. I was racking my
mind about where to stash the cash; I didn’t want to risk taking it home and
meeting Gerald at my door. He would probably push his way in my house, and
probably search my bag…like he did a few nights after I thought I was cutting
off contact with him for good.
Weeks earlier, I had been out all day -making
runs and dealing with a dental appointment –to avoid Gerald asking me to
accompany him on a run. That wasn’t happening, his run out of town represented
a rare opportunity for me to move somethings around in my house. Things that
could turn my home into world war 2 if found by him. I couldn’t allow that.
When I finally got
a moment to myself, I locked my apartment door and sent a quick text to Gerald:
"Where are you"
He probably thought it was me being sweet and concerned,
when I really just wanted to get a location on him-hopefully one no where near
where I was. I didn't have to wait too long for a response:
"On a job" , he replied . "Driving through
'What a relief ', I thought about how much stuff I could get
done with him not under my ass. I wanted to be able to do what was necessary,
without interruption. I wanted to handles some unfinished business before I
changed residences -as based on the earlier digital apartment viewings; it was
something that , if I got the cash ,could happen any day now. I need the space
to leave some time to get myself in order -should anything I discovered take me
to a dark place
What I was about
to do , I understood, could bring about a cathartic outburst if emotion; one
that my take a few hours to calm-I know me . I gripped the edges of my bed and pushed it up
like a door hinge was at one end of the box spring. And opens, revealing almost
all of the letters I had mailed to Chimeze
- as he had sent them all back.
The good news was
that after counting all 250 of them, I knew they were all there-undisturbed; so
Gerald hasn't doing them. I breathed a sigh of relief -heavy relief . Gerald
would have pitched a fit, if he knew I was still writing, pining for or even
missing Chimeze in the most minuscule way. These letters were evidence of all
of that and more; enough evidence to have me beaten And probably chained to the
bed so I couldn't leave, write, or do anything without Gerald permission. I was
thinking about escaping this negro for good, so I couldn’t allow that to
The letters were
the most honest representation of what Gerald had put me through. As I
suspected, while reading them -all these months later, all of my letters showed evidence of a women going through severe emotional ups and downs. I saw some
clear lies that I had written , and flashed back to when I committed them to
"Whatever it
takes To get him back" I was thinking at the time, even in the midst of
not knowing what I was talking about: doesn't he feel badly for making me go
through this all alone’, I thought as I scribbled endlessly .that was probably
the moment I wrote the paragraph detailing every moment I was his champion, and
then the following paragraph that detailed all of the moments he failed to be
mine-ending with this one .
None of this details
were lies, but the spirit of the letters didn't parallel the me, I knew myself
to be , all those months ago. I remembered being scared -for myself -totally ,
because I didn't know what to do. I also knew that although I had started this
-this thing . Even though Chimeze had cheated -to me- and neglected me sexually
and numerous other ways -I didn't cheat for revenge ; I just had needs that
'Meze had failed to fulfill- After numerous opportunities . I felt like he just wasn’t
It took the
cheating and a full on confession to get his attention . And even after all of
that , he didn't show any signs of change . Furthermore, after I came clean and
didn’t sexually involve myself with Gerald, this was when Chimeze got accusatory.
That annoyed me ;
like, you were ‘Ray Charles’ when I was cheating on you-but now want to nitpick
, follow me around and accuse me of being a liar, when I revealed a truth to
you that you never would have seen otherwise. Also, he never took the
opportunity to make things right seriously. I wonder how many men let their
lonely fat friends tell them when they should stop believing in and supporting ‘the
woman’ in their lives? I really wonder if I ever was that. It would seem if I
was, he would have never stopped being supportive.
Also it was like he didn’t understand that the closer we became, the more threatened they would be; all things that gave women with few other options ,besides a platonic male friend desperate for company and leadership, motive to destroy. This is why I never did like a man with too many female friends, and he cemented the fact that my next significant lover couldn’t have any female friends. If I am fucking you, sucking you and spending money on you –I am not willing to be examined and subject to second guessed inserted in my dudes mind by women who didn’t want too. Surely if they were interested they would have…
Also it was like he didn’t understand that the closer we became, the more threatened they would be; all things that gave women with few other options ,besides a platonic male friend desperate for company and leadership, motive to destroy. This is why I never did like a man with too many female friends, and he cemented the fact that my next significant lover couldn’t have any female friends. If I am fucking you, sucking you and spending money on you –I am not willing to be examined and subject to second guessed inserted in my dudes mind by women who didn’t want too. Surely if they were interested they would have…
Looking at the
letters now , some of the goals i set for myself still were just being completed-almost-possibly-
a year later . I frowned up at the fact that it really took that long. Even I wouldn’t
have guessed it would take this amount of time, but what can you do? I mean
really? What the fuck can you do?
Looking at the clock, and seeing it was only an hour from
the time Gerald could return, I opened my little closet, where I kept my big cash
behind a false wall ; safe from Gerald, the IRS, prying relatives and my mother
…At this juncture, I was even glad I had kept the location a secret from even
Chimeze ; for all I knew he may have decided to have a fireside chat with
Gerald about my money to teach me a lesson.
Shit! I wish he would learn the lesson about trusting people who didn’t know what they were doing to tell him what to do. First there was his mother and the house he bought to have foreclosed and ruin his credit –and to be honest, his appeal to most women. You can build with someone who has a broken foundation. When will the people of the African diaspora learn that sometimes your own family will prey on you to stay afloat. His mom and dad tied up his money in their holding in the U.S , so they could support their other children and build a home in their home country-while the bank marched in and snatched his present, and future dream-for the next ten years or so.
I’ve seen what families can do, and how sometimes black
families in particular can hold their members back-for the sake of the unit.
This is particularly prevalent with young black women. That’s why I moved out
of my momma’s house young, and accepted the ups , the downs, the bumps and this
case lumps and bruises. ‘Shit let the world mistreat me-it doesn’t owe me a
thing, but I cant continuously allow my family to mistreat me –as if they paid
for the privilege via blood. ‘There isnt enough blood in the world’, I thought
, as I stuffed the envelopes –organized by date-the side of the cash, which was
almost piled 3 feet high. The last time I had the chance to count, it was
900.000. My goal was to stack a mill before I purchased a safe.
However, with the way things were looking, I would have an
investment that could take in all of this money. I said a quick prayer before
replacing the flexible drywall that hit my way out.
I was glad I counted on Gerald trying to surprise me that
day . He decided to forgo the doorway and came up the fire-escape , only
seconds after I checked on my escape plan.
I had dozed off for a moment, because I felt myself jerked
awake by the sharp rattling of the door. I was like someone was trying to get
in-with a key . I was confused, as Banks didn’t tell me I’d be sharing a room.
It was probably some early, drunk attendees of the event. I put my stern face
on , ready to tell them to ‘get the fuck on’ in a way that wouldn’t have me
leaving this party without my money.
For once, I knew the person on the other side with a ‘fucked
up surprise, wasn’t Gerald-as the security here was too tight ( and white) for
his angry looking ass to blend. I quickly
unclipped the snap lock on the door and opened the door.:
“Ryndra W.?” asked a really cute tall, over six foot, dark
chocolate person, standing in my hotel room door frame.
I nodded , confused but eager to see what he wanted with me.
“I am Ray,the security for this venue. I need you to come
with me”
I had 5,000 of the hard stuff, Adderall , mixed bumps, and pain
pills of various strengths tucked in
various places on the inner seam of my lingerie. I had spend the time the cab
was stuck in traffic
–lightly sewing the packages to my garment. It didn’t seem like Ray was going to allow me the time to dispose of these items. I was stuck on stupid thinking that Banks may have set me up as a punishment for our meeting a few months ago.
–lightly sewing the packages to my garment. It didn’t seem like Ray was going to allow me the time to dispose of these items. I was stuck on stupid thinking that Banks may have set me up as a punishment for our meeting a few months ago.
I just decided to stay cool .
“I just need to go to the-“
“There’s no time for that”, Ray replied, placing his right
hand firmly on right arm-guiding me out of the room.
“Do you have your key” , I just stared at him, worried and
“The key to your room?” , he clarified.
I nodded, before he glided into the recently
arrived elevator, sliding me in with him while simultaneously pressing the “L’
for lobby. MOOD

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I totally appreciate this :-)