As soon as I hit the red button, I immediately feel bad for
doing so. It’s just I can’t get in the mood; learning a new skill, working two
jobs and keeping up with my regular activities (the gym, doctors’ appointments,
family shit) has me tired as shit. Just thinking about my Valentine’s Day plan,
makes me feel all-the-way better about rejecting the call. When he peeps my
effort, it will make up for all of the disappointment I’ve caused, as well as
my current absences. I’ll make up for it on Valentine’s Day tomorrow.
“Hello… Hello...?” yelled Chimeze through my phone.
Completely unaware that I’d accidentally activated the ‘call answer’ key, thinking I was hearing something in the background, I moved more purposefully, scanning the avenues in all directions. It felt like a set up, but I was set to run. “Hello... Hello…? HE-LL-O…? I can hear you Wrynra… Stop playing games-Answer me dammit!” Recognition had me nearly dropping my purse to the ground, as I tried to continue walking, maintain a fast pace, while using the dim light to search, the prohibitively large black leather purse, for my black smartphone, finding the task imposssible. However, Chimeze kept yelling out. “Wrynra, if I have to hang up this phone and leave work in the morning angry… understand, that’s not what you want.” Shit, I thought… I need to find this phone. I yelled into the bag, “Hold on for a second Meze’, I am having technical difficulties!”
“What technical difficulties, your mouth on another dick?”
he replied. “That seems to be your main
difficulty! Where is this fucking place?! Yeah, Gravesend! That’s it!
Sounds like Gravesend traffic in the background! Gerald with you?” he asked yelling. “Hey Gerald, still getting better blow jobs
than me from MY Girlfriend?! My
cheatin’-ass bitch of a girlfriend?!…”
He knows that I hate when he calls me a bitch. Especially when, in this moment, he’s acting more the part than I. While he continued this rant, I counted down backwards… purposefully and slowly 4…. 3….. 2….. 1…. Deep breath out — to expel negative energy (a trick posted up by some soul searching self-proclaimed insta-guru on Instagram ) — reminding myself about the trip I had scrimped, saved and planned for the following New Year’s eve and Valentine’s day – the trip I planned on surprising him with when he came over the following evening. The trip that would show him that, despite the cheating incident a few months prior, he retained all my love and loyalty. That unlike most cheaters, I appreciated his resilience through my shame. This mental recap reminded me why I wasn’t getting on the subway, in the direction of his hospital, to show him The BITCH- he seemed insistent on conjuring.
Instead, I concentrated and let his voice guide me to my smart device. Locating it in the pouch , inside the purse, designed specifically to hold smart phones, and speaking directly into the receiver hurriedly,“Babe, listen to me… can you hear me?” Registering a snort, I continued, “I am heading home. I am literally ten minutes away. Let me walk home safely, get to bed, and tomorrow- when you are better rested- and not at work…” I figured those nosey, fat bitches, he worked with had something to do with the energizer battery now in his back, always saying some slick shit to get him going. “We can talk about whatever you want. I am just so tired. I had a hard day and the Lupus is…” (I hate to lie on Lupus like that but… he was working on bringing her up too).
Completely unaware that I’d accidentally activated the ‘call answer’ key, thinking I was hearing something in the background, I moved more purposefully, scanning the avenues in all directions. It felt like a set up, but I was set to run. “Hello... Hello…? HE-LL-O…? I can hear you Wrynra… Stop playing games-Answer me dammit!” Recognition had me nearly dropping my purse to the ground, as I tried to continue walking, maintain a fast pace, while using the dim light to search, the prohibitively large black leather purse, for my black smartphone, finding the task imposssible. However, Chimeze kept yelling out. “Wrynra, if I have to hang up this phone and leave work in the morning angry… understand, that’s not what you want.” Shit, I thought… I need to find this phone. I yelled into the bag, “Hold on for a second Meze’, I am having technical difficulties!”

He knows that I hate when he calls me a bitch. Especially when, in this moment, he’s acting more the part than I. While he continued this rant, I counted down backwards… purposefully and slowly 4…. 3….. 2….. 1…. Deep breath out — to expel negative energy (a trick posted up by some soul searching self-proclaimed insta-guru on Instagram ) — reminding myself about the trip I had scrimped, saved and planned for the following New Year’s eve and Valentine’s day – the trip I planned on surprising him with when he came over the following evening. The trip that would show him that, despite the cheating incident a few months prior, he retained all my love and loyalty. That unlike most cheaters, I appreciated his resilience through my shame. This mental recap reminded me why I wasn’t getting on the subway, in the direction of his hospital, to show him The BITCH- he seemed insistent on conjuring.
Instead, I concentrated and let his voice guide me to my smart device. Locating it in the pouch , inside the purse, designed specifically to hold smart phones, and speaking directly into the receiver hurriedly,“Babe, listen to me… can you hear me?” Registering a snort, I continued, “I am heading home. I am literally ten minutes away. Let me walk home safely, get to bed, and tomorrow- when you are better rested- and not at work…” I figured those nosey, fat bitches, he worked with had something to do with the energizer battery now in his back, always saying some slick shit to get him going. “We can talk about whatever you want. I am just so tired. I had a hard day and the Lupus is…” (I hate to lie on Lupus like that but… he was working on bringing her up too).

His last statement echoed in my head over and over, as I
reached my buildings avenue and followed behind me as I climbed up the final
landing – of my 6-story walk-up, opening the door to the dark ahead.
Waking up early to give my bones time to awaken and to feed my spirit by watching the sun rise in the right most corner of my windows
facing the West, something I never wake up with time enough to do. However, today, I could make time.Today, I was off, from everything; school,
dealing and braiding hair. And even
though my reason for initially paying Luana 450.00 to teach me the last skill set was soon
to be non-existent, I may continue. There’s
something meditative about hair braiding; it gives me a break from everything,
while satisfying my need to multitask by allowing me to make additional income, giving me alone time – time to think.
Pouring the water, steaming hot from the kettle, into the bowl of
oatmeal, thinking about continuing my side gig, maybe on a lesser scale with my
time allocated more in favor of my relationships and school. Grabbing my credit card, I clicked on a few
dialogue boxes, left open from the day before - double-checked the purchasing
price, dates, times and locations - then I entered the data and pressed
send. I ate my oatmeal seasoned with
fresh peaches, while checking the confirmation and printing everything out
quickly, and smartly against the February wind chill, I grabbed my keys and
hurried out the door. While Chimeze
never mentioned when he would be stopping by today, I knew it would probably be
earlier than later, considering I didn’t call him when I woke. That was enough to arouse his suspicion. And it’s now 2pm - 14 hours in to the biggest
romantic American holiday of the year - and I haven’t heard a peep from him; not
a call, an email, nor a text. I quickly
pulled up his Instagram page to make sure we were still cool - a lock sign,
with a message saying “no posts,” complimented by an indication of 2000+ posts and 500 or so
followers, would be a sure sign that last night had ruffled his feathers enough
to cancel Valentine’s Day - for he and I at least.
Here I am, combing through Mid-town, after combing through
Uptown and Downtown respectively, for some candy that looks respectable; nice
packaging, but chocolates cheap enough to chuck/save for later in the
fridge. Finally I located a
shelf housing a few interesting candies, mid-reach to the back of the shelf to get an untouched
product, a voice interrupted me,
“Need some help there?”
I ignored him, probably an overeager store associate looking
for a promotion to a customer service position, hoping that he would be gone by
the time I turned to pay for my items. No
such luck, as I pretty much turned away from the shelf full of product into
Gerald, a relentless ex-lover and sometimes current friend.

The story was long, and almost ended not so happily with me
losing my boyfriend, best friend, and the man with the closest chance to being
my future husband. Even though Gerald
insisted we stay in contact, my greetings’ tone reflected my dismay.
“None from you. Considering
our last interaction, the one that had me kicking you out of the stairwell of
my apartment, I would think you wouldn’t need clarity on that, ” I reminded.
Rushing to the aisle, sectioned off by canned goods, a maze
of sorts with the end being a smiling cashier, with him following closely
behind me. So close that if he spoke,
microscopic portions of his spittle would land on my nape hairs. Knowing he wanted to talk, knowing there
would be a scene if he didn’t get to talk, I let him follow me to a less
populous portion of the store.
Leisurely, examining a child’s toy,“Didn’t you agree to pick up the phone ,whenever I called,
the last time I came to see about you?”, he asked.
“Yes," I replied, "But you know that was just to
get you out of my hallway. How could I
possibly answer the phone whenever you call? You know I have a boyfriend.”

Looking around the store, walking one aisle over - causing
me to now follow him - he calmly retorted,
“Ah yes, a boyfriend. The same one from before. The one you cheated on because his presence
colored you unsatisfied, unhappy, in my home, eventually in my bed and
ultimately with me - in my bed." Rubbing the underside of my arm, he continued, “I need to see you tonight. Make it happen…or I’ll show up.”

Finally home, removing the middle circular insets of chocolates from the box and replacing them with carefully folded fans, made of my morning printouts, I decided it wasn’t quite right. Tearing the paper out of the box, a few of the chocolates fell on the floor. Out of respect for the five-second rule, my hand dove to pick them up. Placing them to the side indefinitely, I removed the plastic insert of the candy box, careful not to spill anymore, placing the print outs, now folded flat, on the inside of the heart shaped box. Then moving backwards, in order, I reset the box in its entirety, minus the top and the soiled candies. Thinking about it a little more, I wiped the previously discarded candies off and placed them back in. It just didn't look right without them; the real gift was the paperwork – I probably wouldn't have had to remember to tell him not to eat the middle candies, as I couldn't recall Chimeze being a big chocolate fan anyway. Placing the candy diversion somewhere reachable, but out of the way,I began organizing my thoughts while dialing Gerald’s number.
“Hello?", answered a more feminine voice than expected.There was a long pause followed by another way more masculine and familiar “Hello.”
“Gerald, why are you fucking with me? First at the store and now you see my number, you know it's me motherfucker, but you decide to play games…what in the entire fuck," I complained.

“I remember
clearly” he replied flippantly. “But
that was then and this is now. I simply
changed my mind. Kind of like you did
when you decided to build a relationship with me, while still ensconced in the
original one with Chimeze. Or when you
changed your mind again and went back to him. Told him whatever, to get back in his good
graces and thought, THOUGHT you could just discard me. You thought you could just leave me behind,
like the little dogs people buy for their children, and end up caring for
entirely on their own, then giving them up to some shelter when it becomes too
much of an inconvenience…Fuck outta here...
All the way the fuck out of here. I'm no ones inconvenience, I've been too good
to yo' ass… Too good!”
Hearing the
sharpened hurt in his tone, and while partially understanding its source, I
fully didn't want him coming over and ruining the moment I had plotted,
planned, saved and learned a whole new skill to produce. In an attempt to massage his ego, breaking his
train of thought, I stated, “I would never abandon you in such a way. I could never forget how you looked out for me,
when I had nowhere to be, that easy. It's
just, despite Chimeze and I’s issues… I love him very much. He was there for me first, in smaller ways
that add up. I can't just --
“You can't
what,” he asked, interrupting,, then a
few seconds later,answering his own setup of a question followed with, “Oh, you can't leave
the nigga who call themselves your boyfriend for self, without explanation,
even though that same nigga let you languish for self, to the point of
got real quiet on my end. He was too deep
in my head.
“Now I know
everything wasn't all the way cleared out on my end. Odella and I, being a unit for almost two
years, prior to you and I meeting - in person, were pretty solid... She wasn't
the love of my life, but we built something dependable and I wasn't going to
knock that down. Not for for you. Not without knowing you were all the way for -me. I ended up leaving her for you, and I can't
believe you would settle for a nigga who elevates you, at most, to second
behind some fat, slovenly, dependent, unambitious, unattractive type who lives
with her mother. “, Gerald said. Figuratively slapping me, by Bringing up some
intimate details from Chimeze and I's past, details that I forgot I even mentioned.
Attempting to regain control I softly stated, “Gerald, you know he was the first person to take the time out and take me to the hospital when I fell ill. He sat with me the entire time. I can't help but appreciate his effort. And there were many more efforts such as these that —
Attempting to regain control I softly stated, “Gerald, you know he was the first person to take the time out and take me to the hospital when I fell ill. He sat with me the entire time. I can't help but appreciate his effort. And there were many more efforts such as these that —
Cutting me
off, and clapping his hands, applause style for emphasis, open and shut, with
each fallout of my name,
Wrynra, Wrynra... You are even easier than I thought. Simple as fuck to please. All a nigga has to do is be humane to gain
points with you, huh? A hospital visit? Who wouldn't visit you in the hospital? If you had told me what was up, back then, I
would have stopped by to see about you.
Why is that special? It's
something any halfway decent person would do.
You're too fine to be so simple, honey.
Listen; was he still dating that fat smelly broad when he came to visit
you in the hospital? He probably blew a
kiss to that bitch through the phone, right before stepping over your rooms

The buzz of
my intercom let me know I had a guest.
The six flights of my walk-up only took an average person, three minutes
to conquer; Chimeze sprinted up them shits, like Usain bolt, and cut that time in
fifths. And the downside of him having a key, to my apartment, meant I could
only loosely control his access via the front door. Meaning: once he was up, he was up.
I knew I had to cut my phone conversation short before I, or someone else, let my bell's ringer up or even pressed the talk then listen button, as the answer , by design, would blare through my efficiency apartment and to the other end of my phone conversation– in Gravesend, Brooklyn. Which would be disastrous, as nothing could prevent Gerald from coming over, if he thought Chimeze was over.

I knew I had to cut my phone conversation short before I, or someone else, let my bell's ringer up or even pressed the talk then listen button, as the answer , by design, would blare through my efficiency apartment and to the other end of my phone conversation– in Gravesend, Brooklyn. Which would be disastrous, as nothing could prevent Gerald from coming over, if he thought Chimeze was over.

No sooner
than I heard the click in my ear, indicating the call's end, did I press the
door button, buzzing the door open for whomever it was who rung my bell downstairs.
Only after hearing a knock at the door, did I wonder if Gerald took back his threat of showing up because technically he was already here… Well, growing up scared of everything taught me that fear was paralysing; so fuck being scared to answer my own door.
Only after hearing a knock at the door, did I wonder if Gerald took back his threat of showing up because technically he was already here… Well, growing up scared of everything taught me that fear was paralysing; so fuck being scared to answer my own door.
If it was Gerald on the other side, Lord knows
he wouldn't have a problem camping out, for days if necessary, as he didn’t earlier;
following me earlier throughout the store, or that panther like stalking shit
he did when I had a neurology class group meeting, in the Starbucks on Morning-side
Heights. In hindsight, analyzing those incidents,
made me positive it was him I saw in the ,passenger side , mirror of Chimeze's
blue BMW S5- as we pulled out from the
Whole Foods on Manhattan's Upper West Side’s parking lot.
I thought
about calling the police, but I knew that move would only complicate matters
further. Stuffing my keys in my pocket,
tucking my cell in the space between my butt and my panties, in case I had to
make a run for it, I grabbed one of my metal loft strand crutches, that last
served me when I underwent a foot surgery that only served to indicate I needed
a different type of surgery. I leveraged
it against the door of the bathroom and peeked through the fireproof door's
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Man shes really defensive. Gerald is cunning too it seems that he enjoys preying on her as well. I feel like he doesn't really care about her but he's slick just because he can be. I think Chimeze needs to get out of the relationship. This can only end bad for him.
ReplyDeleteThis chapter introduced Gerald, but as the story goes on you may find Chimezes character to be just as, if not more cunning/ preying than Gerald's. The saying goes if you dont trust anyone, you often end up trusting the wrong people. maybe that's Ryn's issue here-maybe twofold. Two people who are all about making her fit into what they want/ discarding her/destroying her for not.
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ReplyDeleteOldschoolnewcool, I love this so much! Had me on the edge of my seat! I so admire you! Please keep writing this!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I would love your advice on what just happened to me while I was up in Harlem the other day. I've been with this girl about 3 years and THOUGHT she wanted to be my girlfriend. But I had a feeling she was into something else, but I just let things ride and decided to simply love her with no questions. The only problem is it would build up a lot inside me and in my dealing with it I'd act out to everyone else but her. I remember when she'd ask me about my day and it'd be some story where I was mean to someone or evil. This was all the residue of what I felt was strongly happening with her behind my back.
On Sunday something told me to investigate after a Halloween incident and my wanting to take her out. She declined, saying she wasn't feeling so up to being out and was gonna stay inside. I went home to take care of some things and she went out with one of her ex-boyfriends, claiming she bumped into him while out. So, she's been going on dates. And when I confronted her she put it on me for telling her one day, after her announcing she didn't wanna date anymore, with even me, to date other people to see how they compared to how she was treated by me. (A few months ago we had a devastating fight.) So, I urged her to see other people only because she never got over our fight and it hasn't been the same since. And, of course I didn't want her to do that, but she was gonna do it anyway, so I just made her feel better about it. Selfishly as long as she was still allowing me in her life I was fine with it. But anyone knows that if you're doing that then the person you're with is finished, and that it makes no difference whether I say do it or not. And no, she was not being duplicitous or sinister because in actuality she made it clear that we were not together. That's the whole reason why she clearly said she didn't wanna date...even me. We haven't had sex in months and the "being in love with me" factor had disintegrated. But after a while she was warning up to it and even saying that I was her boyfriend.
I became angered, which I haven't felt with her since the day of the massive fight, and decided to leave her apartment. In the rush I forgot my cell phone and slammed her door to display my rage and take a break from her for a while. Now, it's understandable that she would be frightened, but instead of telling me to go downstairs to ring her bell, which would assure that I was far enough away for her to put my phone into the hall, she refused. She refused to do any of that and said that she wasn't gonna give it back to me.
DeleteI had a second phone for which I couldn't find in the middle of my rage and thought she had them both. I would not've cared about the loss of the more expensive, unserviced phone because she could've either used it or sold it, which is why I only called out to her for my operating phone. I've tried to convince her to get a more powerful phone in the first place. The money I've recently received from a big job secured me enough not to worry about those things. I was actually looking forward to making things easier for her. But I felt she needed to give me my phone. She didn't wanna be with me anymore, so let me be gone.
I called several times, from nasty pay phones, for her to return it, but she declined. I then went up to her door to kick it in. I knew this would frighten her, and that she wouldn't want damage to it, but I knew it was the only way she would agree to give me my phone, simply for me to stop, but she continued to refuse. Why do you think she was refusing? I'm STILL confused. And now, instead of us having a regular fight to be later talked about and forgiven, we're back to the negative square where we're never gonna see each other again.
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ReplyDeleteUltimately she agreed to giving it to me, but not without, again, calling the police, which was clearly perfectly timed to my arrival. It only took me a minute and thirty seconds to walk the five flights, grab my phone from the floor, and head back down. When I got to the ground floor one of her "male" friends were escorting police into the building, stopping to mildly interrogate me. It was crazy.
ReplyDeleteShe used my captive cell phone to erase things from it, have text conversations with people I have business with while pretending to be me, which was more than likely to see if the girl was a side-chick. And - what I will never forget - the calling of my best friend to arrange a meeting between them to get my phone, claiming she was afraid to conduct the simple exchange I recommended. Needless to say my friend was confused as to why she didn't wanna go through the safe exchange plan I set up. The story she told to him was that, because I felt that she was disenchanted with our relationship, I began acting crazy and stormed out of the house, forgetting my phone. I WAS upset for her disenchantment because she was performing like she was happy, yet keeping dates she was having with other guys a secret and telling me that she wasn't afraid of me anymore. In this last argument I NEEDED her to be afraid simply because I KNEW I couldn't touch her anymore after my promise, and it was the only thing I had left. I actually took my shirt off and threw it in her face. It's how she'd express herself to me when I'm lying in her bed fighting with my not knowing how to approach her about my suspicions and keeping quiet. She would come out of nowhere, even when I'd fall asleep in thought, and hit me with a pillow in my face with all her strength. Those moments I knew she didn't care... still reeling off of the fight months ago and the betrayal months before that.
But here's the part that actually had tears streaming my face as I walked down the street, away from her building, passed the police... She told my best friend that I was acting crazy all morning, after feeling like her love for me was dying. She went on to tell him that I was acting crazy over pussy!... OVER PUSSY, OLDSCHOOL!! Like she was some skanky-ass hoe that I was fucking around with!! Yet this was a girl I was arranging to buy a car for on her birthday!! She also told him that I was her sugar daddy!! This is where I died. For months, since the big fight and my going to jail, my friend would ask how it was we were doing. I've been telling him reports of how well we were and how she was slowly coming around; the wonderful dinners, the dates, the fun, and saying the words to him, several times in conversation, that she was my girlfriend!! I'VE ACTUALLY USED THOSE WORDS IN DESCRIBING HER!! She was my girlfriend!! And he repeats to me what she said and I'm hearing it while at a filthy pay phone, in the middle of Harlem, speechless. After he told me that I literally had nothing to say. It was silent for a few seconds. He actually had to say "hello" to see if I was still there, and my only response was: "Well, she's gonna be alright." WHAT THE HELL KIND OF RESPONSE IS THAT?!! I didn't even know what the hell I was talking about!! I was fucking destroyed! I'm STILL destroyed. I can't even fix myself to accept the fact that it doesn't make any sense to feel sad because it was nothing since the day I chose my ex-girlfriend over her in a stand-off. (Another story entirely.) It's been a continuous lie that just grew month after month with her. I kept trying to think why it was that she would even talk to him about our life. The only reason why he knew about our big fight where I went to jail was because he was one of the people whom I called that night.
ReplyDeleteI have this thing about not having my girlfriend look bad to my friends or family; there could never be anything that they could think about that's negative about them or else we both look like idiots. So, her telling the whole story to him made it look like everything I've been telling him, up to this moment, was a lie!! I was just as humiliated as she had been in my outbursts with her and witnesses being present. When I called her back and told her that I spoke with my best friend and that he was confused as to why she wouldn't go along with the simple plan I had in place to get my phone from her, she immediately agreed suddenly. Now you might wonder why it is that she suddenly decided to go along with it? Well, I think it's because she didn't wanna seem bad or silly in the eyes of my friend, especially after having what she may've thought was some kind of understanding conversation with him. In my time of being with her I've definitely noticed that she weighs her life on how and what people think of her. People who care nothing about what she's doing. Anyone who makes a comment about her life or lifestyle could destroy her. She LIVES through this. And anyone who walks this path will forever be bothered. She does fantastically on her own, though. That's what I don't get...despite her illness, but it's not enough for her. She's like the only black employee in a multi-billion dollar corporation that has to go the extra mile. And believe me, this girl doesn't have to. That may've been the reason why she was downplaying her relationship with me; I'm the old man, desperate for young pussy and can't take the fact that she's walking away. I'm 47 and she's 29. But she WASN'T walking away... I was. The pounding on the door was for me to get my phone back. Had she given me my phone I'd have disappeared. Why wouldn't she just give me my phone?
Sounds like a bad story anon. But it sounds really obvious by what you should just do. You dont even say anything good about her. Not for us but for you. Check your priorities.